
                                                                      Quick facts: Luxembourg has a population of 502,200 people.  The country has an area of 2,586.4 square kilometers, or 998.6 square miles, ranked 175th in size.  It is trilingual, with national languages of German, French, and Luxembourgish.  It also has a newly registered Work Party planned for 10/10/10.  Woohoo!

With a day under four weeks until 10/10/10, we are seeing all kinds of new commitment from organizers in new countries.  When I reached out to Theo in Luxembourg, he told me about the challenge of organizing in the small and generally progressive nation.  A common expression there is, "We have it too good."

But the work of setting the example of leadership on climate solutions falls to all of us, and good examples in Luxembourg are an inspiration not only for the local government but also for other organizers and governmental representatives from all over.  Theo is taking the 10th of October to turn a fallow field into a permaculture environment, enlisting help and holding discussions about the benefits of new agricultural methods as we steer away from oil.  Sounds like plenty of work, but I'm sure the mulled wine will help bring in the party spirit as well :).  

Thanks to Theo and all the organizers who are stepping forward in new countries to bring the whole world together on 10/10/10.

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