We just got this powerful email from our friends at ACTWID in Cameroon about their 10/10/10 events:

Thanks for your email of friday which i could not reply on time due to our electricity failure. Your support has gone a long way way to help us mobilize our activists who all came out in great numbers today for the events we organized in Bamenda and in Buea. In Bamenda this morning we were on the commercial avenue street ringing the bells for all to come out and join us in our actions of practical demonstrations of cleaning the streets, emptying garbage the right way and not in streams.
Our team decided to to talk to different groups of people who came out to join us including  some members our administration. There was still electricity disconnection or failure today in our city in Bamenda till late afternoon but we all work activiely and the messages right now are going on in five radio stations where some of the journalists asked us to give them written messages  too to relay for the whole week .
It was really wonderful and we are thanking God for this great day. Our people will never forget this work party event, many commented to me as we went along .There after ,we equally concentrated again on talking to people who still wanted to know more and to see how to join us in this carbon reduction all over Cameroon. Interestingly, some called us this evening from Addis Ababa  and Angola to find out how it all went.. I t was really a great day today in all communities in Bamenda. We join hands with the rest of the world to continue to push forward this events in all our communities practically.
Sincerely Wendi Losha, Killo Shang Blaise, Honore Yufenyuy, Mirable, Geraldine, Benedicta Jaff ,Ayonghe Nebasifu and Berka Eugen, all leaders on the ACTWID organizing team of the 10/10/10 event today in Cameroon.
note: Photos from Bamenda and Buea will be coming shortly…


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