We’ve been involved with Occupy movements here in the US, and around the world. From Tahrir to Tulsa, ordinary people are turning out in droves to fight inequality and push for greater democracy. Climate Change is entering into the occupy movement in unprecedented ways, from occupiers joining the Keystone XL campaign last year, to March 24th’s Disrupt Dirty Power day of action. Here’s a guest post from 99forEarth, an Occupy Wall Street group, about this weekend’s mobilization:

Consider: During the warmest winter in modern memory, fossil fuel companies cooked up new plans to bake our planet once and for all. Defying public outrage and a presidential rebuff, they laid tar sands pipelines. They imperiled our water supplies with poisonous fracking. They went on drilling and spilling oil in our increasingly lifeless seas. And they continued to move whole mountaintops for that supreme carbon bomb: dirty coal.

Since the first Rio Earth Summit in 1992, our global governments have enabled transient fossil fuel interests to come before the survival of the 100%. The same Wall Street that foreclosed on millions of Americans’ homes are now busy foreclosing on Earth. If there’s a time for Americans to awaken to the climate vortex that is swallowing us whole, 2012 is it.

And that starts with the eviction, on March 24, of the multinational fossil fuel corporations that have been occupying the Earth up until now.

At the United Nations in New York City, and in towns and communities across the land, Occupy Wall Street and allied organizations in under two weeks will launch the first-ever Earth Month: a period of coordinated and sustained nationwide direct actions leading up to Earth Day on April 22.

The targets of the actions—which begin exactly three months before the 2012 Earth Summit in Rio—are three-fold, as Occupy connects the dots between dirty fossil fuel giants, the dirty banks that fund them, and the dirty legislation and subsidies those corporations receive from politicians they help to elect with their profits.

Specific actions throughout the month will target the biggest players in the industry: Big Coal, Big Oil, Big Gas, Big Nukes.

On March 24 in New York City, activists will flip the Occupy meme for a day, converging on the United Nations dressed in the business-as-usual attire of bankers and fossil fuel executives, where they will erect a polluters’ encampment of Wall Street corporations and force authorities to arrest them—the real occupiers that are squandering the planet.

In case you missed going outside since December, here’s some news: Spring came early. So join the movement and begin this global call of action to end impunity for the 1% fossil fuel corporations whose greed imperils us all. See how you and your communities can disrupt the criminal business of dirty power and reclaim the Global Commons for the 100%, by visiting www.disruptdirtypower.org, Facebook, Twitter or writing to [email protected].

The eviction of the polluters starts this Saturday, March 24 at 5pm at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, NYC. Because the climate can’t wait, and neither will we.

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