175 countries registered for Moving Planet and counting! This is turning into a remarkable moment for our movement already.

There are countless exciting stories and updates pouring in — so many that we can't keep up with blogging all of them here on 350.org. So, if you want to be sure to get all the Moving Planet news. Be sure to check out the Moving Planet blog here:


What sort of news is turning up there?

  • Kazakhstan national television airing the Russian version of the Moving Planet video this week.
  • Movement relationships developing across the global — from Australia to Vermont, USA.
  • Great pieces written by allies, like this one by Apollo Gonzales of NRDC.
  • super-cute video of a couple heading to their wedding fossil-fuel-free for Moving Planet.
  • And more!

Just wanted to sure any regular 350.org visitors weren't missing out on all the action!

2 days to go! Woo!

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
