We're getting to the point where we can hardly keep up with all the wonderful stories pouring in for Moving Planet. Among those is the news of our friends in Turkmenistan joining in for the day of action. Turkmenistan is not known for climate action, or really citizen-led initiatives of most sorts. That's part of why it has been incredible to join together with climate leaders there for international days of climate action for two years now, and this year will be no different.

In fact, not only are folks in Balkanabat organizing as many as 100 people for Moving Planet, but the action there this coming Saturday is just the latest in a number of ongoing organizing activities they've been up to over the past year. These are two photos from a recent clean up effort they led this past August:


We know we have to do more than clean up trash if we're going to move beyond fossil fuels and reclaim a safe climate. But our friends in Balkanabat also have to work within their context. It's a beautiful thing to see a few friends start to introduce a vision for a more responsible, clean, healthy, and safe environment and climate and gradually transition from a group of friends into a community of leaders.

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