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Today we took the Tower.

As part of Global Divestment Mobilization 2017, more than 150 New Yorkers rallied at the golden Trump Tower to confront power – and call on our city officials, especially Comptroller Scott Stringer, to be climate leaders and divest the $175 billion New York pension fund from the top 200 coal, oil, and gas companies causing climate change.

In the face of federal government climate denial and a White House controlled by fossil fuel companies like Exxon, we need places like New York to take real climate action. To continue to invest billions of New York pension money in the oil, gas and coal companies destroying our collective future is wrong. Our communities and our livelihoods are at stake.

PC: Heather Craig

PC: Heather Craig


We brought our message to Trump Tower to beg the question — is Comptroller Scott Stringer on the side of Trump and his fossil fuel cronies, or is he on the side of the people of New York City?

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The Reverend Billy and his Stop Shopping Choir lead us in a rousing climate gospel and May Boeve from, Sarah Ludwig from the New Economy Project and Jamie Tyberg from New York Communities for Change taught New York about real climate leadership, taking on big banks fueling climate destruction and cutting the city’s ties with fossil fuel companies.

Inspired by their words, in front city and international media, an actual tug of war between Trump and his fossil fuel cronies and New Yorkers broke out with Scott Stringer stuck in the middle. New York won!

Check out a recording of the Livestream here:

We’re live from from Trump Tower! New Yorkers are fighting back against Trump’s fossil fuel administration and we need our elected officials to do the same. #DivestNY

Posted by Fossil Free on Tuesday, 9 May 2017

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