Thank you for your enthusiasm in supporting 350 during COP21, we are all delighted by your engagement.

We really think that flying to Paris means burning a big amount of Carbon and this is not what 350 is about. Therefore we are encouraging you to stay home and organize locally or volunteer for us from afar, concretely tweeting, posting on Facebok and spreading the word from where you are.

If this catches your imagination, then you can sign up here and join our Social Media Squad.  We’re delighted to have people posting on social media coming from as many places as possible, from Greenland to Antartica! So if you’re a keen social media user, you can help us in sharing all the momentum that will be building around the world.

If you already have your ticket for Paris and you can’t get your money back, you can join Kevin [at ] to be involved with paint and brush in the Arts Centre. You can also register with the French Coalition volunteers online recruitment platform (French language only). They will have appropriate structures in place to deal with those wishing to volunteer. However please do note that we will not be able to support you during your time in Paris as our resources are rather limited people-wise.

If you’re in the USA, you can organize or join an action on December 12th in solidarity with activists in France. Click here to find or create a solidarity action at the end of the COP.

Thank you again for your support,
The team