
Live Stream Recording

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The Line-up

Bill McKibben is an author and environmentalist who in 2014 was awarded the Right Livelihood Prize, sometimes called the ‘alternative Nobel.’ His 1989 book The End of Nature is regarded as the first book for a general audience about climate change, and has appeared in 24 languages; he’s gone on to write a dozen more books. He is a founder of, the first planet-wide, grassroots climate change movement, which has organized twenty thousand rallies around the world in every country save North Korea, spearheaded the resistance to the Keystone Pipeline, and launched the fast-growing fossil fuel divestment movement.

Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist and author of the  international bestsellers, No Logo, The Shock Doctrine, and most recently, This Changes Everything. 

 Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., president and CEO of the Hip Hop Caucus, is a minister, community activist and one of the most influential people in Hip Hop political life. He works tirelessly to encourage the Hip Hop generation to utilize its political and social voice.

Cynthia Ong is the Founder & Executive Director of LEAP (Land Empowerment Animals People) in Borneo. Ong helped lead a coalition of environmentalists and locals in a successful battle against a massive coal plant in the Malaysian state of Sabah.

May Boeve is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of, an international climate change campaign

An award-winning community organizer and urban planner, Eddie is the Executive Director of the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance.

Tomás Insua is co-founder of the Global Catholic Climate Movement, and a Fulbright Scholar at the Harvard Kennedy School. An Argentina native, he is working to mobilize Catholics at scale ahead of the 2015 Paris COP together with the global climate movement.

 Thilmeeza Hussain is the founder of Voice of Women, which jointly addresses women and climate change in the Maldives. She served as the Deputy Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Maldives to United Nations from 2009 until 2012 when the first democratically elected government was toppled.

Juan Flores is a community organizer in Delano, California with the Center on Race, Poverty and the Environment where he works on issues ranging from civic engagement to community farming, and now focuses on organizing Kern County residents to fight fracking.

 Antonique Smith is an American Broadway, film and television actress, and a Grammy nominated singer and songwriter. Her cover of Mercy Mercy Me is the lead single on the HOME album, a music project created by the Hip Hop Caucus to inspire creative action to end climate change.

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The Next Step

On September 26th, people around the world will gather for “Power Through Paris” workshops. In communities everywhere, we’ll come up with bold plans to connect our local  efforts for climate action to a global movement.

