Here’s a copy of your script! 

Hi there! My name is [YOUR NAME]. I am calling today to ask  [MP NAME] to commit to real, emergency-level action on the climate crisis. As one of your constituents, I want you to know that your response to this call will inform my vote in the next election. You can call me back anytime at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER].

Canada is on fire because of the climate emergency. Unprecedented heatwaves and devastating wildfires are sweeping the country right now. We cannot allow this to become the new normal. 

With enough courage from political leaders like you, we can change course. But, that means accelerating Canada’s transition off fossil fuels. This is an emergency. I want to know: are you prepared to act like it? 

As your constituent, I am calling on you to sign the Canada On Fire pledge. The pledge has two demands: 

  • Support an immediate moratorium on new fossil fuel approvals and a freeze on all fossil fuel expansion projects under construction — including the Trans Mountain pipeline.
  • Work to quickly pass Just Transition legislation to support workers and communities, especially Indigenous and remote communities as we move towards a 100% renewable energy future.

If you have the courage to act like we’re in an emergency, sign the Canada On Fire pledge. You can find the full text at

I look forward to hearing back from you.
