The arts–visual, musical, movement and theater–are a central element in the movement of movements that will come together on April 29 for the Peoples Climate March. We have our voices, our bodies and the things we make with our hands. This year we are escalating arts in the streets.

Each contingent marching in the PCM in DC is asked and encouraged to create and integrate these visual, sound, and movement arts elements into their contingent, to make the overall march more powerful and to have strong elements of visual unity. We also encourage other sister marches around the country to use the elements in their marches to show clear we are united and part of the same movement.

This webinar will introduce the key elements, review production of key items, and will provide links to additional how-to webinars and other resources.

Watch the live art training with’s Arts Organizer, David Solnit, on Facebook here or embedded below. 

Click here to view the Art Toolkit that includes helpful how-to’s and sample visuals for the Peoples Climate March. This toolkit will be discussed in more detail during the training.

Sign up now to attend these upcoming trainings to help you get ready for the Peoples Climate March:

  1. March 29 at 5:00 pm PST/ 8:00 pm EST: Working with Frontline Partners
  2. April 3 at 5:00 pm PST/ 8:00 pm EST: Communications/Media Training
  3. April  12 at 5:00 pm PST/ 8:00 pm EST: Social Media Storytelling around Peoples Climate March

To join the conversation or ask a question during the training, use the Facebook comment box below.

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