Here are just a few of the more impressive numbers coming together for the People’s Climate March on September 21st. If you’re ready to be a part of this historic event, click here to get plugged in.
50: US states that will be represented at the march.
374: Buses and trains currently listed online for travel to New York City for the march.
26: City blocks the NYPD has reserved for us to assemble in before the march. That’s a lot of room for us to fill.
1100+: the number of community, labor, environmental justice, faith and progressive groups who have endorsed the march. More join every day.
28: Different religious faiths and denominations represented in that list of endorsing organizations.
20: The minimum number of marching bands we’re expecting, to make sure we are a movement that dances as well as marches.
300+: The number of college campuses where students are mobilizing to come to New York.
1500: Actions planned worldwide for the weekend of Sept. 20th and 21st, in 130 countries.
40,000: The number of people at the biggest US climate march to date. (Last year’s Forward on Climate march in DC). I’m confident we can do much bigger on the 21st.
401 parts per million: The peak concentration of carbon in the atmosphere measured by the world’s leading scientists this spring — higher than any time in human history.
0: The amount of progress we’ll make if we stay home. There’s no guarantee this will work. The only thing that’s for sure is if we stay home, nothing will change — except the climate.
Let’s roll.