In the absence of real action within the negotiations, one can find some real solace in getting to see the burgeoning global youth climate movement in action, and meeting many of our 350 friends and allies face to face that we've previously only known through email addresses, skype avatars, and 350 action photos in our Flickr set.  Negotiators here are working to set the "buliding blocks" for a more comprehensive deal next year in South Africa – the science is telling us we must work faster than that, and the only way we'll do that is to build the movements represented here far bigger back in our home countries.  Here are some scenes from COP16, from the Conference of Youth, to talking with 350 fans at our booth:

An exciting end to the 350 workshop at the Conference of Youth prior to COP16.  Some 450 youth from over 50 countries participated this year.

Bill McKibben gave the keynote address on Sunday at the Conference of Youth, giving the attendees a sobering dosage of political and scientific reality, while also painting the picture of how beautiful and inspiring our movement is – and how much it must grow in the next few years. US campaigns director May Boeve mans the 350 booth at COP16, passing out pins, and key scientific information to interested delegates.

Members of 350 Mexico's team chat up some Latin American NGOs and delegates.

A party delegate models the latest 350 tie style, pushing the 350ppm and 1.5 degree targets in the negotiations.

Our rocking side event with the amazing Center for Biological Diversity, bringing attendees some updated scientific information on the 350 target, and a preview of's US campaign plans.

The may not sign a global climate deal in Cancun, but they will party.  The Mexican government kicks off the negotiations in style on Monday night for the opening ceremony.

On probably a more appropriate note, local student organizers pulled together a beautiful interfaith event to begin the week of negotiations, entitled a "Prayer for the Earth".  No matter what religious persuasion, we probably all could use to say a few words…

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