It comes from the heart of tarsands country, in Fort McMurray Alberta. And here’s the note that came with it:
It comes from the heart of tarsands country, in Fort McMurray Alberta. And here's the note that came with it:I am an Oil Sands worker and risked my job to take this picture. Myself, along with the majority of my co-workers are ready for a renewable energy revolution. We need to stand together to eliminate the corruption that exists in this industry, start taxing carbon emissions, and creating green jobs for a sustainable future. We do not work in this industry because we like supporting large oil companies; we simply have no other choice. We want jobs that provide long term economic, social and environmental sustainability for ourselves, our country and our planet. **** This is posted as anonymous. If my identity is revealed I could be permanently banned from all sites for life. In hope and action, Anonymous
It comes from the heart of tarsands country, in Fort McMurray Alberta. And here’s the note that came with it: