I’m writing this between packing bags and getting ready to hit the road to the Czech climate camp — excited about the great people I’ll meet and to hear their stories of why they’re taking part.
Resistance to coal in the Czech Republic is one of many people-led movements against fossil fuels globally. Everywhere that a new fossil fuel project raises its head, people are rising up to create a different future.
Find out about the Czech climate camp and many other key points of resistance against fossil fuel projects across Europe in this video:
Almost exactly ten years ago I found myself helping to build the climate camp at Kingsnorth coal power station in the UK. It was the first time I was involved in direct action targeting the source of the problem — the combustion of fossil fuels — and it was an experience that changed me, and through the collective power we demonstrated, it also changed the future of fossil fuels in the UK forever.
Now, the fossil fuel landscape across Europe looks very different. The last chimney at Kingsnorth power station was demolished this year. But there are new challenges — to stop a devastating push for gas across the continent, to end coal in its last strongholds, and push for a just transition to renewables.

Photo: Jana Eriksson
Together we can keep fossil fuels in the ground where they belong. Wherever we are, and whatever our situation, there’s a way we can support these struggles: By joining climate camps and mass actions. By local organising in our own communities, targeting fossil fuel funding. And by removing the social licence and public support that allows fossil fuel companies to keep operating.
If we all play our part, we can build the power need to win. And win we must.
In solidarity, Tim