"The chief monk at the temple told us that the 350.org gathering last year was the first time such a large gathering participated at an event in that small temple. " – Renton de Alwis, event participant and organizer

Sri Lanka bears a lot of the brunt of climate change with raising sea levels, changing weather pattens and the devastation caused by more severe storms. Check out what Renton has planned for 10/10/10:
Kiula and Kalametiya are farming and fishing villages located 220 kilometers from the capital city of Sri Lanka. The two villages are located next to a bird sanctuary in an immensely biologically rich area of marshland.
In December 2004, the Kalametiya village and its 32 abodes of the fishermen were completely destroyed by the tsunami that hit the region. Several children and adults of that village lost their lives. Even today, they still suffer the after-effects of the trauma they went through. Their lives are now rebuilt with new houses and fishing boats and gear, but the memories still remain in their minds. That perhaps is the reason that villagers in both Kalametiya and Kiula came in full-force to participate in a blessing that was organized as part of the 350.org's 'Real Climate' action programme on 12 December 2009. We as organizers expected 250 to come for the meditation, sermon and the pahan (oil lamps) pooja held at the village temple to pray for our leaders to have the courage to make definitive decisions on mitigation action at the UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen and over 1,200 turned up. The chief monk at the temple told us that it was the first time such a large gathering participated at an event in that small temple. The total population of the two villages is less than 5,000.
On 10-10-10, the children of the villages and their parents will gather again, this time to act on their own. To plant 350 mangrove plants and other useful trees, upon gathering at the temple's Sunday School in the morning.
Children from nearby schools who have participated in a two year environmental awareness programme conducted by the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka(FOGSL),on the theme 'My home, my school, my village, my country, my earth' will also be with us on that day. Theirs' was practical action to reduce-reuse and recycle. On 10-10-10 we will discuss and determine the future of that programme as well. A team from FOGSL will participate in support of the event and make a presentation on the role of mangroves in coastal area conservation. Since we believe that our efforts should not be limited to a day, we are planning to set in place action to monitor the growth of the plants and trees charged with the children and
make awards of recognition to 50 children who will best look after them. That will be done on 11-11-11.