
Power Through Paris Workshops

The Paris climate talks could be a turning point for the climate movement — if we push for it. Around the world people are organising for bold and ambitious mobilisations. Now is the time to get involved and show our governments that we’re not going to wait any longer.


Momentum is growing to stop the climate change crisis. Political and religious leaders are beginning to get the message that people like you have been voicing for years.

We are carrying this momentum to the global gathering of governments at the Paris climate change talks — and beyond. This November and December there are going to be actions around the world demanding that politicians finally begin to take the necessary steps to act on climate change.

And we won’t stop there, in April next year we are planning our most ambitious action yet. We will mobilise in a global wave of action unlike any we’ve seen before. Not one big march in one city, not a scattering of local actions — but rather a wave of historic national and continent-wide mobilisations targeting the fossil fuel projects that must be kept in the ground, and backing the energy solutions that will take their place.

The “Power Through Paris” workshops are an important moment in these ambitious plans. Big and beautiful actions don’t just happen, they grow from thousands of seeds planted and nurtured through workshops and trainings like these. Now is your chance to get involved early and make these actions something super powerful.

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The Road Through Paris

2015 is on track to be the hottest year in recorded history, and this December hundreds of world governments will meet in Paris to try to strike a global climate agreement. It will be the biggest gathering of its kind since 2009, and it’s potentially a big deal for our global movement.

So far, however, commitments from world governments just aren’t adding up. This has the makings of a global failure of ambition — and at a moment when renewable energy is becoming a revolutionary economic force that could power a just transition away from fossil fuels.

The solutions are obvious: we need to stop digging up and burning fossil fuels, start building renewable energy everywhere we can, and make sure communities on the front lines of climate change have the resources they need to respond to the crisis. This could be a turning point — if we push for it. 

Here is’s plan for what we call “The Road Through Paris”: the plan to grow our movement and hold world leaders accountable to the action we need. And it’s the road through Paris, not the road to Paris, because our work won’t be done in December. No matter what happens at the summit, this will continue to be true: Politicians don’t lead movements — people do.

Road Through Paris timeline
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