“In São Paulo, Brazil, we organized a fun game to ask President Dilma to connect the dots and veto the new Forest Code. She needs to decide which side she is! After all, it is important to clarify the relationship between deforestation and carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere that contribute to the climate crisis, characterized by the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as long periods of drought or heavy storms, that will affect thousands of people,” said Paula Collet, coordinator of 350.org in Brazil.

On April 25, changes in the Forest Code were approved in Congress. These changes will lead to more deforestation, reduction of permanent protection areas such as riverbanks, and the granting of amnesty to those who illegally cleared the forest, jeopardizing Brazil’s efforts to reduce their deforestation rates and greenhouse gas emissions. It is now up to President Dilma to approve or veto the law.

Photo credit: Ricardo Lisboa


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