Today, we’re one step closer to a final rejection of Keystone XL — President Obama has vetoed Congress’ bill that would have forced him to approve the pipeline.

It’s not the same as rejecting the pipeline, but it is a big deal: it’s just the third time this President has vetoed a bill. He wouldn’t be taking this step if not for the extraordinary work you’ve done to push him to take this issue seriously. A few years ago, he was barely acknowledging the pipeline, and now he’s talking about climate change often, and Keystone is one of the top issues in Washington.

This is history in the making — and it’s because of you.

Now it’s time to make our closing argument to the President. He has the power, the information and the opportunity to reject the pipeline now.

Today dozens of movement leaders, economists, musicians and filmmakers — folks like Bill McKibben, Willie Nelson, Mark Ruffalo, Julianne Moore, Patti Smith and others — just released a Unity Letter ahead of the President’s final decision.

Here is the full letter, including some of the other signers whose names you might recognize.

The only thing it’s missing is your name at the bottom. I’m hoping (hoping!) that this will be our final message to the President about Keystone XL. The more unified we are, the clearer the message will be.  Click here to read and add your name to the Unity Letter against Keystone XL:

I want to say this again because it’s important: people power has brought us to this point. Whatever the President decides, we have done what we set out to accomplish — build a movement able to force President Obama to take the climate crisis seriously.

With thousands of people standing beside us, I’m confident we can move the President to reject the pipeline once and for all. I hope you can sign with me, and be there with us as we make our mark on history.

Yours in unity,


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