May 31, 2017 on Trump’s Decision to Exit Paris Climate Agreement

Brooklyn, NY – Multiple news outlets are reporting that according to senior White House officials the Trump Administration will announce today that it is exiting the Paris Climate Agreement, a decision that came after weeks of delays and stalling.

In response, Executive Director May Boeve issued the following statement:

“Today is a shameful day. The Trump Administration’s decision to exit the Paris Climate Agreement is a travesty, a crime against the future of people and the planet. The choice they had was clear, and they decided to side with fossil fuel billionaires over the overwhelming majority of Americans who support the agreement. By exiting, the Administration has isolated the United States from the rest of the world and defamed the U.S position as global leader on climate action and much more.

“We aren’t waiting on the Trump Administration any longer. It is imperative that the rest of the world fill the gap and take bold and swift climate action. Here in the U.S, where the government is failing us, we will fight the expansion of the fossil fuel industry tooth and nail and secure commitments from cities, institutions, and ordinary people to transition to a 100% clean energy future. The world won’t be dragged back by a fossil fuel industry puppet in the White House. We’re committed to moving forward.”


Press Contact: Thanu Yakupitiyage, U.S Communications Manager, [email protected], 413-687-5160 is a global climate justice organization that has coordinated over 20,000 climate rallies in more than 180 countries. The organization has helped lead the fight against the Keystone XL pipeline, spearheaded the growing fossil fuel divestment campaign, and co-organized the largest climate march in history, the People’s Climate March.
