June 11, 2015

350.org Statement on Bonn Climate Talks

Bonn, Germany — 350.org Global Managing Director, Payal Parekh issued the following statement on the Bonn climate talks, which will come to an end this afternoon in Bonn:

“Negotiators need to pick up the pace. The climate talks are still catching up with a new political reality–one where the fossil fuel industry is losing its stranglehold on our economy. Coal is already on the way out, and oil and gas must follow. The surging divestment campaign is changing the game, and the movement for climate action will only grow ahead of Paris.

It’s promising to see G7 leaders commit to a carbon free future, but their short term commitments are still grossly inadequate. We need to see stronger targets and real finance on the table. Rich countries have a moral responsibility to act first and go the farthest.”

