September 12, 2016

Dakota Access Pipeline Opponents To Rally At The White House, 5:00pm on Tuesday, September 13

Senator Bernie Sanders, Van Jones, and Native Activists Tara Houska, Chase Iron Eyes, and Jasilyn Charger will call on President Obama to stop the pipeline for good


Washington, DC — Hundreds are expected at a rally at the White House on Tuesday to call on President Obama to permanently stop the Dakota Access Pipeline.


Senator Bernie Sanders, Van Jones, Tara Houska, and other Native leaders from the camp at Standing Rock will speak at the rally. The event is one of over 100 events taking place across the country as part of a national day of action in solidarity with protectors at the camp in North Dakota.


WHAT: A rally at the White House calling on President Obama to permanently stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. The rally will open with a native-led drum ceremony and prayer, and close with a group photo in front of the White House.


WHO: Hundreds of people, more than 1,000 have RSVPed on a Facebook event. Speakers will include: Senator Bernie Sanders, Van Jones, a delegation of Native leaders from the camp at Standing Rock including: Tara Houska with Honor the Earth, Chase Iron Eyes with Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Jasilyn Charger, with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Youth Project.


WHERE: The White House (Lafayette Park), 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20500


WHEN: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 13, 2016, Stage in Lafayette Park. Press availability beforehand on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House from 4:15 – 4:45 p.m.


WHY: The Obama administration’s decision to halt construction on the pipeline has opened the door to using a more thorough review process that takes climate and tribal consultation into account, as did the process for Keystone XL. This will continue to be the most high profile environmental fight in the country. Over 200 tribes have now joined the Standing Rock Sioux in their fight against the pipeline, and reports from the ground suggest that there are over 4,000 people at the camp. With the fate of this pipeline now in President Obama’s hands, Tribal Leaders and allies across the nation are urging him to challenge the fossil fuel industry’s greed and stop the project permanently.




Contact: Dani Heffernan,, [email protected], +1 (305) 992-1544
