August 31, 2016 Responds to Lamar Smith announcing hearing to defend Exxon’s climate lies

Yesterday, Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), Chairman of the House Space, Science, and Technology Committee, announced he will hold a hearing on September 14 focusing on the  First Amendment rights of fossil fuel corporations, and to assert his authority to issue subpoenas to the attorneys general of New York and Massachusetts and non-governmental organizations for their investigations into ExxonMobil’s climate lies. In response, Jamie Henn, Communications Director of issued the following statement:

“This hearing should take on ExxonMobil as a corporate sponsor — they’re certainly the money and influence behind it. Rep. Smith has zero authority or cause to subpoena us, the attorneys general, or any other groups looking to uncover the truth about Exxon’s climate lies. Maybe instead of this buffoonery, the House Science committee could call on, you know, a scientist, to re-explain the threat of climate change and the role of the fossil fuel industry in causing the crisis. Rep. Smith sounds like he could use a refresher course.”  


Contact: Lindsay Meiman, (347) 460-9082
