
This week, in solidarity with thousands of Indigenous people around the world we will be calling for the end of insurance to the Trans Mountain pipeline. 

From June 14 – 21 Pacific Climate Warriors will Raise a Paddle calling on Lloyds of London to Stop Insuring the Trans Mountain pipeline.  

Canada’s Trans Mountain pipeline puts Indigenous communities, drinking water, and our shared climate at risk.  

Learn more

In 2017, Pacific Climate Warriors made the journey from the Pacific to Alberta, Canada to bear witness to the climate-wrecking Tar Sands project and pipelines and call on Prime Minister Trudeau to keep his word when he said Canada was back at COP21 in Paris. Fast forward to 2021, we have projects like the Trans Mountain pipeline, a massive Tar Sands pipeline going from Alberta, Canada, out through Burnaby, B.C. The Canadian government-owned pipeline is currently under construction, and land is being torn apart for its expansion. This is all with the help of insurers like Lloyds of London who are also under fire for insuring the Adani Coal mine in Australia.

Pacific Climate Warriors and the people of the Pacific are living the realities of the catastrophic impacts of climate-induced destruction on their homelands. The understanding that as custodians of the Pacific, and as communities at the forefront of climate impacts, it is our duty, as moral witnesses to these injustices, to raise our paddles and defend our homelands. Warriors would raise their paddles as a show of solidarity in global efforts to stop and halt any further movement, and with this, we raise our paddles to call upon Lloyds of London to stop insuring the Trans Mountain Pipeline.

The Raise a Paddle online solidarity action to support Indigenous people and groups in Canada will work together with on-the-ground action in Sydney, Australia where a team of Pacific Climate Warriors will visit the Lloyds of London office to deliver a letter signed by the Council of Elders. The insurance certificates expire every August, so this is a critical decision-making window for Lloyds to ensure their investments aren’t put into climate-wrecking projects but are instead directed to sustainable projects that protect the Indigenous sovereignty of land defenders in Canada and the Pacific.

We will Raise our Paddle in solidarity with Indigenous communities and groups in Canada during the Trans Mountain Week of Action from the 14th to the 18th of June 2021.

Action Kit

Printable PDF
Download here

Don’t have a printer? No worries: Make a Poster/Banner with the following text:

Lloyd’s of London

Stop Insuring Trans Mountain 

Have a Paddle or Oar?
If you have a paddle we’d encourage you to take a photo of you or your group of friends raising your paddle. 

This is a sign to stop and halt any further movement, and with this, we raise our paddles to call upon Lloyds of London to stop insuring the Trans Mountain Pipeline.


Please use these hashtags.





Please don’t forget to tag us in any of your posts. We don’t want to miss out on any of your amazing content. 

Facebook: @350Pacific 

Twitter: @350Pacific 

IG: @pacificclimatewarriors 


Photo/Video Action Example

Sample: George’s Social Media caption

I’m here in Suva, Fiji,  in solidarity with all Indigenous people demanding that Llyod’s of London stops insuring the Trans Mountain pipeline and any future fossil fuel projects and insure a future that puts people first. #StopTMX #EndFossilFuel #JustRecovery #RaiseAPaddle


Sample: Epeli’s Social Media Caption

I’m here in Pacific Habor raising my paddle in solidarity with all Indigenous people demanding that the Llyod’s of London stops insuring the Trans Mountain pipeline and any future fossil fuel projects and insure the protection of our future in the Pacific. #StopTMX #EndFossilFuel #JustRecovery #RaiseAPaddle

Photo Tips

When Taking Photos 


Video Tips

  • Light: Check your lighting so there are not too many shadows. 
  • Angles: See what angle works that capture what you need in your video.
  • Message: Your signboard can hold the message. Example Llyods of London Stop insuring Trans Mountain pipeline #StopTMX​
  • Background: if the background helps elevate your message i.e outside the Brit High Comm
  • Stability: make sure your camera is steady when filming from your phone. 
  • Audio: Make sure your subject is speaking loudly and articulated. Avoid windy areas unless you have a mic. If you don’t have a mic, film an arm’s length away from your subject.  

Tech: Film in Landscape Mode

Here’s a short video tutorial you can reference. 



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