Climate change isn’t a far distant threat. For many people around the world it is a deeply present reality.
We organize for divestment because we believe it is wrong for people to profit from the wreckage of the planet. In the lead up to the Global Divestment Mobilisation, 350.org staff and volunteers around the world have recorded their own messages reporting on what is happening in their communities. These messages are a key reason we work for a fossil free future.
Ahmed: South Africa
South Africa, and much of eastern and southern Africa have been facing extreme drought. The city of Cape Town is experiencing an intense water shortage. When Ahmed from 350 Africa recorded this video there were only about 100 days of water left, now there’s only around 88 days.
During Global Divestment Mobilisation (GDM), 350Africa and Fossil Free South Africa under the Go Fossil Free banner, will be calling on Cape Town to demonstrate its political power and commit to divesting from destructive fossil fuels.
Juan Pablo: Argentina
In early April 2017, southern Argentina was hit by severe floods, with reports that 80% of the city of Comodoro Rivadavia was impacted. Juan Pablo Olsson from 350.org Argentina was there to witness what happened. Other parts of Latin America also experienced heavy flooding, with Peru struggling with the worst floods in a century.
Nicole: Brazil
Curitiba is the capital of the southern Brazilian state of Paraná. Nicole from 350 Brasil shares about how climate changes are impacting nature and people in the city.
In Paraná, Brazil young people will marching in the Students’ Square demanding climate justice, and at the Umuarama Cathedral the faith community will gather in a vigil demanding divestment.
Brett: United States
Brett lives in Boulder, Colorado in the United States. In March 2017, a wildfire broke out near the city prompting evacuations. Wildfire season shouldn’t start for several more months. Because of climate change it is expected that wildfires will be more common and cause more damage.
Mikaele: Tokelau
Mikaele is from the island nation of Tokelau that is one of the countries most at risk of climate change. He shares his vision for a better world and presents why he believes it’s time for the world to move beyond fossil fuels.
If you think it’s time for your university, city, faith group, bank or pension fund to stop investing in climate destruction, then join the Global Divestment Mobilisation this May.