CoP22: Marrakesh

One year on from the Paris climate change agreement, the world is coming together again in Marrakesh, Morocco, for COP22 from November 7 – 18.
In the year since the Paris agreement, climate change has marked the lives of billions of people: from deadly heatwaves in India, severe drought across South Africa and the Horn of Africa, unprecedented coral reef bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, to the deadly force of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti and the United States2016 has been the hottest, most extreme year on record, causing misery for hundreds of millions around the world.
The only way to meet the targets in the Paris Agreement, and to limit warming to no more than 1.5℃, countries must agree to immediately halt new coal, oil and gas development and finance a just transition towards a 100% renewable energy future for all. Renewable energy is fast becoming a revolutionary economic force for a just transition away from fossil fuels while empowering communities at the front lines of climate change with the resources they need to respond to the crisis.
Join us as we mobilise through COP22, led by our African & Arab World Team. We’ll be sharing updates, showing how climate change is affecting the people of Africa & the Middle East, and mobilising for government action. It’s time to turn the hope of the Paris agreement into action.


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Governments meeting at the next climate conference must put their Paris pledges into action — and action means no more room for new fossil fuel projects. Tell them to end all new fossil fuel development and transition to investing only in the 100% renewable technology that will power an end to energy poverty.



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