
On 12 December, thousands of ordinary people were in the streets of Paris to show that we will continue organizing for climate justice — no matter what heads of state decide.

photo: Colin Rees

“In final push for landmark climate deal, end of fossil fuel era nears”

Saturday, 11:30h

People start gathering on L’avenue de la Grande Armée

The crowd has already started forming, and there lots of singing and dancing in the streets ahead of the 12:00 start. This already looks big:


Photos: Redlines on the L'avenue de la Grande Armée


Moment of silence for those already suffering due to climate change

In honor of the people who are currently suffering due to the effects of climate change, the march observes a two-minute moment of silence. Many lay down flowers for those they’ve lost.



10,000+ strong

With frontline and indigenous communities leading the way, over 10,000 people march as a 105-meter long banner is unfurled, which reads “We won’t stop here. It’s up to us to keep fossil fuels in the ground”:




Final draft of COP21 agreement is released

The final draft, which will be voted on later, is released. Reactions:

May Boeve, Executive Director 350.org:

“This marks the end of the era of fossil fuels. There is no way to meet the targets laid out in this agreement without keeping coal, oil and gas in the ground. The text should send a clear signal to fossil fuel investors: divest now.

Our job now is to hold countries to their word and accelerate the transition to 100% renewable energy. Over ten thousand of us took to the streets of Paris today to demonstrate our commitment to keep up the fight for climate justice, while many more demonstrated around the world. Our message is simple: a livable climate is a red line we’re prepared to defend.

The final text still has some serious gaps. We’re very concerned about the exclusion of the rights of indigenous peoples, the lack of finance for loss and damage, and that while the text recognizes the importance of keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees C, the current commitments from countries still add up to well over 3 degrees of warming. These are red lines we cannot cross. After Paris, we’ll be redoubling our efforts to deliver the real solutions that science and justice demand.”

Photos: #D12 arrives at the Eiffel Tower