The country of Samoa is just to the east of the International Date Line, meaning that it's one of the last countries in the world to experience any particular date. By the time Samoans hold their Moving Planet event on September 24, organizers in Asia, Europe, and Africa will likely be sound asleep after a good days work.

Worried that Samoa's unique position would cause it to be too late to the Moving Planet party, 13-year old volunteer Biranna Freun came up with a creative solution. Yesterday, she and her friends did a practice run for their Moving Planet event and snapped a picture that could feature in the slideshow of actions that we'll be broadcasting at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on Saturday.

Here's their photo:

In an email to, Brianna explained:

This is a shot of our practice run for our Moving Planet this Saturday 24th. We are hosting a Run, Walk, Bike, Dance & Skate event with an Outrigger Finale at the end. However because we are the LAST PLACE ON EARTH to host a Moving Planet Event due to our location and relative position to the international date line, by the time we kick off our event at 9:00 am our time it would already be cut off in NYC. We are submitting 3 photos in advance in the hope of making the cut and we will submit photos from actual event after the fact

Brianna, you definitely make the cut! Thanks for kicking off Moving Planet for all of us around the world.

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