I have been working with anti-coal activists in Bangladesh for over a year now to stop the 1320 megawatt Rampal coal plant from being built in Sundarbans forest — the world’s largest mangrove forest. In November I joined them in a 10,000 strong people’s march and mass assembly to stop the coal plant.


Now, our partners on the ground have decided to escalate the movement and declared this Saturday 7 Jan as a global day of protest against the Rampal coal plant. They have asked us to help get people to stand in solidarity and demand the Bangladesh government scrap the coal plant and protect the Sundarbans — a delicate ecosystem which is home to the world-renowned Royal Bengal Tiger and the highly vulnerable Irrawaddy Dolphin.

Will you share a photo or short message in support of people fighting to #SaveSundarbans?

Sundarbans is the world’s largest mangrove forest, running through India and Bangladesh. It forms a crucial natural defense against cyclones but now the Rampal coal plant is threatening its very existence.

Activists in Bangladesh have withstood arrests, tear gas, death threats- yet they are standing strong and determined. Stand with them by sharing your message with them today.

Putting a spotlight on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Sundarbans forest will send a powerful message to the Bangladesh government that it has to shut down work at the Rampal coal plant and stop harassing the brave anti-coal activists in Bangladesh.

Let’s stand in solidarity with brave forest protectors in Bangladesh to #SaveSundarbans from coal.

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