A 350-foot long letter! These pictures are from earlier today in Bangladesh–they’re at least a little antidote to the sadness of hearing that our political leaders, including Barack Obama, have announced they’re not going to do much of anything in Copenhagen

Bangladesh Agriculture University Mymensingh, Vice Chancellor of the university started the letter signing; later on every professor, lecturer, and student signed on the letter. Before the signing program there was a rally on the university ground where the Vice Chancellor of the university said “We very lucky and proud that this letter signing program starting from our university on the occasion of National Agriculture day. We are part of this world, agriculture is essential for us and for this off course need a stable climate.
We hope the decision makers will think about us to think about them also."
The presenter of the program Professor Zakir Hussain
described climate issues. Director of Design Bangladesh
MD. Mahmudul Karim read out the message from 350.org by Bill McKibben: “As I have been traveling around the world and showing pictures of the International Day of Climate Action, none have moved people more than the photos from Bangladesh.
They demonstrate that the people who have the most to lose from global warming have put aside their daily worries and joined in common cause with people around the world. This is deeply inspiring, and has helped many nations move closer to a Survival Pact for Copenhagen–one that demands that the world’s rich nations cut their own carbon emissions steeply enough to give countries like Bangladesh a chance."