Sometimes all we need is a good tune to inspire us. Here’s a song and email we just got from our friend Jonny Dubowsky

Hey gang-

I’m here on the Big Island of Hawai’i, where CO2 measurements are taken, and here in this place where land still forms in the ocean, and hope hangs from every ancient koa tree, i heard your call to action. To build an activist army for the small island nations (and the rest of the world) and bring attention to the survival pact that is being made as we speak, we need to mobilize our voices in unison "We will not die quietly, or lay our bodies down.We will not die quietly they’ll put us in the ground. We will not die quietly and drown beneath the sea. We will not die quietly, survive, survive, survive!" Inspired by Bill’s email today, and gearing up for tomorrow’s candle-light vigils here on the Big Island, in Copenhagen, and around the world, I find myself in the recording studio finishing my 2nd Jonny Lives! record "Revolution For Free". The words and music came faster then ever before, and I give you this song to spread far and wide to all who will listen and sing along.

"We Will Not Die Quietly"
By Jonny Dubowsky of Jonny Lives"

If your like me your tired of all the lies that we’ve been told.
If your like me your hands are running out of rope to hold.
If your like me the rhetoric is stretching in your ears.
If your like me you haven’t got the patience or the tears.


And we will not die quietly and lay our bodies down.
And we will not die quietly, they’ll put us in the ground.
And we will not die quietly and drown beneath the sea.
And we will not die quietly

If your like me your tired of waiting,
now your taking action
If your like me it’s a fair and binding kind of satisfaction.
If your like me your hands are running out of rocks to reach.
If your like me you haven’t got the time, this hull is breached.


And we will not die quietly and lay our bodies down.
And we will not die quietly, they’ll put us in the ground.
And we will not die quietly and drown beneath the sea.
And we will not die quietly

Best wishes,
Jonny Dubowsky
The Rock ‘n Renew Foundation

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