S’il était construit, l’oléoduc East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) aurait des conséquences désastreuses pour les communautés locales et la faune en Ouganda et en Tanzanie – et pour la planète entière.
Des dizaines de banques ont renoncé à financer EACOP, mais la plus grande banque d’Afrique – Standard Bank – le soutient toujours. Leur argent est essentiel pour mettre en place et faire fonctionner ce pipeline.
Au début de l’année, la Standard Bank a perdu une relation d’affaires importante parce qu’elle ne voulait pas abandonner EACOP – l’énorme société américaine de relations publiques, Edelman.
Cela montre que tout le bruit que nous avons fait sur les horreurs de ce pipeline fonctionne. Nous rendons EACOP tellement toxique que ses bailleurs de fonds perdent leurs partenaires commerciaux.
Aidez-nous à mettre la pression publique sur la Standard Bank et rejoignez notre tempête de médias sociaux pour leur demander de laisser tomber.
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Tweet 1: Violation des droits humains par EACOP
People around the world are uniting in resistance to Total’s climate-wrecking East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP).
New backers are ready to support this devastating pipeline, despite opposition from local communities in Uganda and Tanzania. If we can show the global scale of resistance and solidarity with the fight against EACOP – we have a chance to stop it.
Sign-up to take one quick online action a day for a week to #StopEACOP. Join the week of action now.
We’re throwing the weight of our global climate movement behind the fight to stop EACOP for a good reason.
If built, EACOP will be the longest heated crude oil pipeline in the world. It will transport hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil a day from Uganda to the port of Tanga in Tanzania.
Total’s pipeline is a symbol of everything that is wrong with our broken energy system. It is displacing communities, threatening food and water supplies, and endangering wildlife. It will also pump millions of tons of CO2 pollution into our air, and put all our futures at risk.
In just a couple of weeks, the annual UN climate conference (COP27) will open in Egypt. World leaders and media will turn their attention to the climate crisis, after a year of devastating floods, droughts, and heatwaves.
It’s our chance to uplift the tireless local resistance to EACOP in Uganda and Tanzania. And a key moment to throw a global spotlight on EACOP and call on banks and insurers to pull their support.
When you sign up, for seven days (starting on Monday, 24 October) you’ll join thousands of others on a round-the-world tour of anti-EACOP resistance.
We’ll send you one action to take per day. You’ll have the option to choose to get your daily prompt via email, or on Whatsapp or Signal straight to your phone.
The international EACOP resistance is growing in power. Loudly, we’re calling for a clean, fair, safe, and 100% renewable future for all.
Help build this massive global movement against one of the world’s worst fossil fuel projects.
Make sure you sign-up for the Global Week of Action to Stop EACOP now.