Our thoughts and support continue to go out to our friends in Japan as they struggle with the aftermath of a devastating tsunami and nuclear crisis, triggered by a major earthquake thirteen days ago. They are dealing with a disaster that’s hard to fathom, and they are not alone—please join our friends at Greenpeace USA for a night of candlelight vigils on March 28, as we stand in solidarity with Japan.

Click here to find a vigil near you:


As Bill McKibben recently wrote, the events in Japan reveal “the thinness of the margin on which modernity lives. There's not a country in the world more modern and civilised than Japan; its building codes and engineering prowess kept its great buildings from collapsing when the much milder quake in Haiti last year flattened everything. But clearly it's not enough. That thin edge on which we live, and which at most moments we barely notice, provided nowhere near enough buffer against the power of the natural world. We're steadily narrowing the margin. Global warming didn't cause the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the Miyagi coast, but global warming daily is shrinking the leeway on which civilisation everywhere depends.”

sites/all/files/japan_enoshima_fujisawa-city.jpg10/10/10 in Enoshima, Fujisawa-City, Japan

Resiliency and determination play critical roles in the face of worsening natural disasters—both by those caused by climate change, and by those that aren’t—and we’re proud of our friends in Japan for facing this crisis with incredible resolve and bravery. On our end, the 350 global community will continue organizing against the climate-related disasters which we might still have a chance of preventing, by fighting Dirty Energy, building local power, and growing the 350 movement worldwide.


sites/all/files/japan_tokyo.jpg10/10/10 in Tokyo, Japan

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