A new study out last week affirms why we’re organising locally to secure commitments to a Fossil Free world on 8 September.  Big cities are huge emitters of greenhouse gases. But this also means “concerted action by a small number of local mayors and governments can significantly reduce national carbon footprints”.

“Mayors, governors, councils and city bosses have as much opportunity as national governments – and more direct influence.”  Daniel Moran, of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Cities may drive climate change, but they are also concentrations of people who will be most at risk, not just because cities are hotter than the surrounding countryside, but because, as the world warms, more people in more cities become increasingly vulnerable to extremes of heat and flood.

The message of the study is simple: when it comes to real climate leadership, mayors, governors, councils and city bosses have as much opportunity as national governments – and more direct influence.

In other news this week:

Watch: 350 Pilipinas unfurled #FossilFree banners around Metro Manila, building up to the #RiseForClimate

Volunteers hope that their actions will help civic leaders meeting this September hear the hopes and aspirations of people from climate vulnerable countries like the Philippines.  Thousands of Rise for Climate rallies, marches and actions are being planned around the world on 8 September.   Find an event near you or register one here.

#RiseForClimate twitterstorm hits US Conference of Mayors

We often think of leadership as something elected officials and people in power embody. The truth is real leadership comes from the people, and the past week has proven that.

As the US Conference of Mayors convened in a Boston convention centre, hundreds of people demonstrated outside to demand action for a #fossilfree future and a light projection called on host Boston mayor to walk the talk on climate. Thousands of tweets were also sent simultaneously at other mayors under the #RiseForClimate hashtag — so many, that the live Twitter feed inside the conference was completely taken over by #RiseForClimate tweets.

Tweets @ US mayors stream behind speakers on the main conference floor

African cities show real climate leadership

Announcements from cities in the build up to the official GCAS summit next September continue to build up.

Africa is sometimes better known for its vulnerability to climate change than its action on the problem – but a set of African cities intend to change that.

Eight major cities – from Accra to Dar es Salaam – pledged this week to deliver their share of emissions cuts needed to meet Paris Agreement targets to limit climate change.

Call on your elected officials to commit to a go Fossil Free too


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