CSSC, As You Sow, REC and 350.org have been working on a new project that we hope will help you with your campaigns. It’s called Talk Divest. We know that lots of campaigns around the country have been getting no’s or struggling to answer questions that your colleges and boards pose.
Talk Divest will set you up with mentors who can meet with your group a few times and help walk you through questions like: how do we deal with commingled funds? Will the endowment really lose money? and are their managers that can do divestment for us?
On the webpage you can find a map of participating mentors (which will grow overtime), a sample introductory email to mentors, and a few tips on how to best engage with mentors. Talk Divest is a communication tool that we hope will provide a valuable resource to your campaign.
If you’re working with a staff organizer you can talk to them about the program or visit https://gofossilfree.org/talkdivest/ for more info.
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