
This Changes Everything

All around the world, people are hosting screenings of this powerful new film in living rooms, libraries, and independent theaters. Our hope is that this film will be a conversation starter and an organizing tool for campaigners, organizers and community groups worldwide.

Find a screening near you

If you can't find a screening near you, consider hosting one! We'll provide all the resources you need.


Watch the Trailer

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I host a screening, and how much does it cost?

There’s a few options for hosting a screening:

  • House party licenses are between $40-80 USD. You’ll need to work with FilmBuff (the film’s distributor) directly to get your license. NB: mention that you’re organising a screening with for a potential discount.
  • If you want to host theatrical screening, you can book in the USA (via Tugg), Australia and NZ (via Tugg) , Canada (via VSC)  and Rest of the World (via Filmbuff). Theatrical screenings booked through Tugg have no upfront cost to groups. They are booked as a “pending screening” until a certain number of people (different for every venue) buy tickets to cross the threshold and then this event is confirmed. The host group takes 5% of the ticket sales!
  • Here are the links to host community screenings (more than 10 people in a venue outside of a theatre):  USA (via Tugg)Australia and NZ (via Tugg), Canada (via VSC) and Europe/Rest of the World.
  • All license fees operate on a sliding scale so please contact the distributor to negotiate a fee if these are out of your range. NB: And don’t forget to mention!
Can I just watch the film by myself online?

Technically, yes — starting on October 20, you can stream the movie from iTunes on your computer. But we’re hoping you’ll join with people in your community to attend a local screening, so that you can use the film as an opportunity to build a stronger climate movement on the Road through Paris.

What do I need to know about hosting a screening in Europe?

If you’re hosting a screening in Europe, there are a few things to know:

  • is helping groups to organise screenings, both through a limited number of subsidised or free licenses, and support to help make your screening a mobilising opportunity.
  • If you want to organise a larger screening, you can obtain the film via this website. There is a sliding license fee depending on the size and type of screening, but mention for potential discount.
  • We can work with you to make sure you have subtitle tracks if you need them.
  • We hope you’ll use your screenings to engage people in the climate movement. There are lots of events happening across Europe this autumn you might like to tell people about before or after your screening – from Power through Paris workshops (useful handout materials), to the Global Climate March, and mass mobilisations in Paris on December 12.
Can I host a discussion after the film?

We encourage people to organize discussions to make sure the film is used for maximum impact. The This Changes everything team have put together this discussion guide, and here are a few quick tips and questions to ask your group:

  • How did the film make you think differently about climate change and our approach to tackling it?
  • What do people know about Paris and the mobilisations happening there?
  • Who would like organise together to go to the big march in Paris on December 12?
How long is the movie?

It’s 90 minutes long.

When should I plan to host a screening or watch the movie myself?

Any time after the film’s release on October 20th*. Many people are scheduling their screenings in October and November to build the drumbeat on the Road Through Paris.

*If you live in Denmark screenings will start from 14 November, and if you live in the Netherlands and Italy screening are available from 30 November onwards.

What if I have a question that isn’t covered here?

No problem, send it to us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer.

The Road Through Paris

The screenings of This Changes Everything are part of’s mobilization efforts on what we call “The Road Through Paris”.

Here’s the background: 2015 is on track to be the hottest year in recorded history, and this December hundreds of world governments will meet in Paris to try to strike a global climate agreement. It will be the biggest gathering of its kind since 2009, and it’s potentially a big deal for our global movement.

So far, however, commitments from world governments just aren’t adding up. This has the makings of a global failure of ambition — and at a moment when renewable energy is becoming a revolutionary economic force that could power a just transition away from fossil fuels.

The solutions are obvious: we need to stop digging up and burning fossil fuels, start building renewable energy everywhere we can, and make sure communities on the front lines of climate change have the resources they need to respond to the crisis. This could be a turning point — if we push for it

Here is’s plan for what we call “The Road Through Paris”: the plan to grow our movement and hold world leaders accountable to the action we need. And it’s the road through Paris, not the road to Paris, because our work won’t be done in December. No matter what happens at the summit, this will continue to be true: Politicians don’t lead movements — people do.
