Today, TransCanada — builders and promoters of both Keystone XL and the Energy East tar sands pipelines — had this to say about their commitment to protect the environment:

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Then the internet took over. The response… was not kind. But it was kind of funny!

Bill McKibben had this to say:

Others wondered if it could have been a joke?

But no, it was real.

Other excellent snark followed:


Flawless reasoning!

Big Oil knows best!

That’s how you clean things, right?

Perhaps if we communicate with them via hockey, they’ll understand…

This friendly tweeter was looking for more environmental tips:

Burying your head in the sand is probably safer than burying TransCanada’s pipelines… but it won’t help the climate either:

They clearly didn’t see it coming, either:

The real message here is clear: TransCanada is in denial — about their impact on the climate, and about the feasibility of their absurd pipeline plans. Let’s stop Keystone XL and Energy East — with tweets and whatever other tools we need:

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