The Paris Divestment Conference was a great success! Here is a report from the day:

Overall there was 410 registrations, and in the end an estimated 350 participants came to the conference. Via live-stream, there was another 560 unique views (the real number of devices who saw the video). On Twitter, there were 2,400 tweets of the conference with the hashtag #divestconference. Our efforts made #divestconference the #2 trending hashtag in Belgium and the #5 trending hashtag in France!

Photo Credit: Reinhard Bütikofer

Photo Credit: Reinhard Bütikofer

In addition, 25 journalists from many different outlets participated in the press breakfast. Here are some European press reports of the conference:

The Guardian


Les Echos

Ouest France


Because of the success, Politico Europe now wants to do a large special edition on divestment. The Divestment Challenge was the main pickup in a range of press, and it effectively promotes the divestment movement in Europe again after the summer break.

As the conference came to a close, there was a lot of positive feedback from participants present at the event but also from members of the European Parliament from different political parties.
