Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 13.53.40Last week the Swedish National Audit delivered a severe blow to the Swedish government and the state-owned energy company Vattenfall. After having reviewed the company, the National Audit wasn’t lean on their critique concerning the company’s environmental work.

Because of its German lignite mines, Vattenfall is one of the companies with the highest emissions in Europe. Vattenfall and the Swedish government has been looking to sell the German coal, which has caused protests from Swedish citizens and environmental organisations. Selling of the coal mines will not keep the coal in the ground, but only transfer the emissions to another emitter.

The National Audit writes:

Vattenfall is today one of the companies with the highest carbon dioxide emissions in Europe. Instead of emission reduction measures, the main strategy is to sell its German coal plants, which do not contribute to achieving the EU:s climate- and energy targets.

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Vattenfall promises more than what the company delivers in terms of environmental sustainability targets and reducing emissions and they do not invest enough in research and development. The government has not been sufficiently proactive in its governance of the company and has not followed up on the emission reductions.

Swedish Greenpeace celebrates the National Audits take. In a blog post they write:

The government must now listen to  the criticism and vigorously improve its governance of Vattenfall. It is possible to get our state-owned energy company on the right track and force them to be a real power in the shift the world so desperately needs. But for that to happen our politicians need to take their responsibility.

Sign the petition to call on Sweden to leave its lignite in the ground.



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