Yesterday, one of the strongest cyclones ever to hit Mozambique made landfall in the north of the country. If this sounds like a familiar piece of news, it’s because it comes just five weeks after Cyclone Idai devastated Biera in the centre of the country. This time, it’s Cyclone Kenneth, and it’s big:

More people need to know how climate change is already affecting our continent. Can you share this video on Facebook and Twitter to tell them?

Two cyclones hitting Mozambique in five weeks  is unheard of, and we know what’s to blame — climate change. It’s making rainfall more intense, in shorter periods of time, and is making storms like Kenneth increase in strength.

We have a short window of time to stop our climate from changing beyond repair. We don’t want headlines like ‘Another dangerous cyclone is about to make landfall in Africa’ to become normal for us, so we should be taking action to stop the fossil fuel industry that’s driving climate breakdown.

Join us on 25 May for the #AfrikaVuka day of action.

Our fight against fossil fuels is a pathway to a united African continent that seeks solutions beyond the tried and tested that’s proven to be destructive. The time for clean energy is now.

Join an event in your community. If your elected officials commit to implementing renewable energy and a just transition, your rally can be a celebration. If they fail to act, it’s a chance to hold them accountable.

City by city, and town by town, we can build connected, resilient communities that stand together in the face of climate challenges.

Header image: Cyclone Kenneth over Mozambique © NASA

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