UPDATE: here’s the recording of the video chat (it ran long):

Tonight in over 100 communities across the United States, 350 organizers are meeting to discuss what’s next for us and our movement.

At 7 PM Eastern / 4 PM Pacific, the strategy sessions will kick off with a video chat hosted by Bill McKibben and 350.org staff, who will talk about our current political moment, and background on some of the projects already underway across our movement.

Then, folks who are meeting in person will spend some time discussing what they do and don’t like about these plans, and come up with ideas of their own. Hosts of local events will provide feedback to 350 staff, and we’ll debreif the national conversation next Sunday (March 17th) at the same time.

To find an event near you, click here and enter your zip code: https://act.350.org/event/2013-strategy-sessions/search/

Even if you can’t find an event near you, you’re still welcome to watch the video chat and participate. To join in, just go to this site and click play when the time comes: https://act.350.org/cms/thanks/2013_strategy

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
