There’s nothing Donald Trump hates more than mass protest – and he hates it because it works.
Since inauguration, we’ve seen what people power can achieve: Trumpcare? Withdrawn. Muslim ban? Blocked. Now Trump’s entire fossil fuel agenda is next.
We’ve invited a powerful lineup of speakers: Van Jones from Dream Corps, Keith Ellison from Congressional Progressive Caucus, Jordan Marie Daniel from Rising Hearts, and Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman from Massachusetts Interfaith Coalition for Climate Action.

The Peoples Climate March is a full-scale mobilization to defeat Trump’s fossil fueled agenda, push forward our own vision of a clean energy economy, and build real political power. It’s happening on April 29 in Washington DC and across the USA.
100,000 people have already signed up to march. 250 sister marches are being planned across the country. Students, workers, faith communities, Indigenous nations, and environmental groups are all joining together to make this day historic – there’s even a delegation of fisherman traveling to DC by boat.
Together – and only together – can we chart another path for America: away from Trump’s agenda for a cruel, polluted and divided country, and towards a clean energy economy that works for everyone.
At the end of the first 100 days of Trump’s administration, April 29 is our moment to make it resoundingly clear that the people who stand for climate action, justice, and jobs are a force too great to ignore.
It will take all of us. But together, we can change everything.