Take action now and push the Bank of England to stop funding the climate crisis and to protect our future.
The UK’s commercial banks such as HSBC and Barclays give billions to fossil fuel projects that trample on indigenous rights, destroy livelihoods and irreparably damage communities.
The Bank of England could help stop this, but instead they turn a blind eye and continue to funnel public money towards propping up polluting industries.
It’s up to us demand action from the Bank of England and stop banks from funding climate breakdown.
Got 1 minute? Sign our petition to the Bank of England telling them to meet our demands.
Got 5 minutes? Write a Google or Yelp review about the Bank of England.
Got 10 minutes? Call the Bank of England using our tool and guidance to pressure them to take action on the climate crisis.
The Bank of England could cut off the finance flows of UK money to polluting industries and fund the future we need.
We’re calling on the Bank of England Governor, Andrew Bailey: Stop funding the climate crisis and regulate the banks that do.
Dear Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England
CC Rishi Sunak, UK Chancellor:
Grab the Bank of England’s attention by leaving them a performance review on Google and Yelp!
We’re using reviews to get our message to the Bank and show them that their performance on fossil fuel finance definitely isn’t worth 5 stars.
Thanks for taking action!
Want to know more about the campaign for Fossil Free Finance? Head over to the main page to see more about the campaign and how to get involved.