Sen. Bernie Sanders, Peter Welch, and Jeff Merkley recently introduced six Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRD) to halt the $20 billion weapons deal that President Biden approved between the U.S. and Israel. As soon as tomorrow, the U.S. Senate will hold the first vote in history to directly block weapons to Israel. Each member of Congress will be forced to go on record with where they stand. unequivocally supports the JRD and calls on Congress to join in blocking the weapons deal. We know that climate and militarism are inextricably linked, and that we must divest from war and invest in care and resilience. The U.S. government has played an unconscionable role in allowing Israel’s all-out assault on Gaza. Senator Sanders’ Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRD) give Congress the chance to stop another $20 billion in U.S. weapons from being used for mass murder, mass displacement, and climate and environmental destruction. In fact, $18 billion could fund solar energy for 50 million homes.  We urge Congress to understand that their words calling for a ceasefire are hollow and meaningless unless they act to block this weapons deal.

To read the letter of support co-signed by over 100 organizations,  click here

To join the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights in contacting Congress, go to
