We just sent this email out to our global email list — not getting our emails yet? Signup here.

Dear friends,

It’s nearly impossible to capture the feeling of watching people all around the world Connect the Dots last weekend, but this video comes close. 

Please take 90 seconds to watch it and spread it around: www.climatedots.org/watch

Play the Video - Connect the Dots

As I watched the pictures roll in from events around the world, I kept thinking: “People everywhere are waking up — and we’re all in this together.” 

We know that from here, the weather will only keep getting weirder, and the seas will keep rising — and as more and more of us feel the impacts of climate change, we’ll need to continue connecting the dots. I want to pass along two important tools you can use to keep telling this crucially important story:

First, we just launched a new project to help people everywhere share their stories about how climate change is impacting them. If you have been directly impacted by climate change, please take a photo with your personal dot, or submit your story to our new Tumblr — the more stories we can collect, the stronger our message will be. Click here to submit your story.

Also, if you’re ready to educate others and help your community connect the dots, you can download this amazing presentation and bring these stories from around the world to your friends and neighbors. The photos from this weekend are incredibly moving – and the presentation is a great way to display them in a way that can move people to action at your school, your church, or at a local library. Click here to check it out.

We’re also gearing up for big work ahead, and you’ll be hearing from us about bold campaigns that will put the fossil fuel industry on the defensive and highlight climate solutions around the world. 

But before we do, I recommend watching the video, spreading it around, and taking a deep breath to prepare for the work ahead. 


May Boeve for the 350.org Team

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