
I want to share something very special with you today.

Recently I was part of a project that helped remind me what dirty fossil fuels like the tar sands put at risk – and I want you to experience it:

The “Raise a Paddle” film documents the journey of Pacific Islanders to the Canadian tar sands last month. It tells the beautiful, heartbreaking stories of the Pacific Climate Warriors who stand to lose everything as a result of catastrophic climate change – but remain committed to the fight for a livable planet.

I hope you’ll take 10 minutes to watch the film, then share it with your friends so that more people can learn about destruction from the tar sands, and get involved with the movement working hard to stop it.

Building new tar sands pipelines like Keystone XL means exporting climate destruction to some of the most vulnerable parts of the world – a risk that’s simply unacceptable. The film is a grounding reminder of the destruction that climate change threatens to unleash if we don’t do everything in our power to stop the expansion of the tar sands and fossil fuels everywhere.

The journey became even more precious to me this week in light of the passing of my dear friend and colleague Koreti Tiumalu – one of the Pacific Climate Warriors who was part of the journey and the film. It’s one of the many gifts that Koreti left for us at, and I feel honored to share it with you today.

I really hope you can help me honor the memory of my friend by watching this film and sharing it with your loved ones.

With hope and resolve,


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