Across the world, coal plants and the greed of the fossil fuel industry are threatening irreplaceable cultural and natural sites.

In Bangladesh, the government is building the 1320 Megawatt Rampal coal plant in Sundarbans forest, a UNESCO heritage site and home of endangered species and fishing communities. We made this video to show that there is nowhere else like this on earth:

UNESCO’s mandate dictates it to preserve cultural heritage around the world — and that means standing up to coal to save the Sundarbans and take a stand against climate change.

Thank you for adding your name to our letter to UNESCO to protect World Heritage Sites. Can you help us keep the pressure on by sharing this video about the Sundarbans with your social networks?

Watch and share the video on Facebook

The community that lives and fishes near the proposed Rampal coal plant have spoken out, with support from thousands of people who have marched to stop the project. They need your support to reach UNESCO, who could make a huge difference in this struggle.

We’re delivering the message to UNESCO this month. Click here to watch and share the video.

Thank you,

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