Last Saturday, I joined a great rally in Richmond, VA put on by our friends at the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. It rained hard, but not hard enough to stop over 200 activists from calling on Dominion Energy to stop blocking progress, and start investing in job-creating renewable energy. Here’s a blog post from Kirsten Collings, a CCAN organizer, crossposted from their blog.

Photo: Josh Lopez What do you get when you put over 200 CCAN supporters out in the rain in downtown Richmond on a Saturday? A drenched but fired-up community ready to stand up to Dominion’s Dirty Power!

If you’re on CCAN’s Virginia list, then you surely heard about last Saturday’s event – the March to End Dominion’s Power Madness.  After 5 weeks of spreading the word, managing logistics large and small and reaching out to the media, we were ready. So, when we saw the forecast and woke up to drenching rain last Saturday morning, we were a little worried. But, we knew it would take more than a downpour to keep CCAN activists from standing up to the commonwealth’s biggest climate change contributor.  We were right!

People came out in droves to Kanawha Plaza, across the street from Dominion’s Richmond offices, with energy and enthusiasm I’ve rarely seen.

We heard from inspiring Virginians, leaders of organizations fighting climate change and Wonder Wind (pictured above)…then we chanted and marched until we formed a human chain around Dominion’s building, which takes up an entire city block. Our event sent a loud and clear message to Dominion – We want REAL renewable energy now!  It was a truly inspiring day. If you were there, please leave a comment with your most inspiring moment!  See some local news coverage HERE (tv) and HERE (print). Read more here….


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