Hello friends–

We’ve spent a few months building this website, and we hope you like it.

We do–we’re enormously grateful to the volunteers who have it running in eight languages already, and to the talented people who made the movies, figured out the graphs and charts, coded all the features.

But it really doesn’t mean anything unless you now use it to get involved. It’s your tool for influencing the international debate, your link to the globe’s leaders. If you figure out an action to take in your community, we will help you get publicity for it in your local media. And then we will send your action out everywhere around the world.

The goal: to build an echo chamber so that the number 350 is heard everywhere, with increasing volume. If we do, then the people who make policy will start to pay attention.

Can it be done? Only if you, and all the people you know, get involved. Please join in.

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
