Big Banks like Barclays and HSBC are out of control. Since the UN Climate talks in 2015, commercial banks have continued to recklessly fund the fossil fuel industry, pouring a staggering £2 TRILLION into coal, oil and gas – and they’re showing no sign of slowing down.

But luckily there’s someone who can stop them.

That’s why we’re calling on Bank of England Governor, Andrew Bailey, to stop funding the climate crisis, and protect our future.

Sign the petition now calling on Andrew Bailey and the Bank of England to stop funding the climate crisis and regulate the banks that do.

Unlike most banks, the Bank of England is supposed to work for people like me and you – not polluters.

The Bank of England acts as a referee for the whole UK financial system. That means it has the power to impose rules that could stop banks like HSBC and Barclays funding the climate crisis and devastating communities around the world once and for all.

Andrew Bailey has previously shown promising signs that he wants to take action on climate, but has since said that the Bank of England needs to focus on the recovery from coronavirus for now.

We know it’s not an either-or situation. In both the UK and around the globe, the same communities who have been hit hardest by coronavirus will bear the brunt of the climate crisis now and in the future. We need to let Andrew Bailey know we need action on climate now.

As well as the power to referee the big banks, The Bank of England has a duty to protect our economy from future crises. So far the Bank of England’s actions during the pandemic have come in the form of bailouts which build the power and profit of polluting companies, with no protection for workers, the public or the planet.

Help tell the Bank of England that a true and just recovery means building a future that protects us and our economy from the devastation of climate breakdown. One that prioritises workers over CEOs, planet over profit, and is built on solidarity with communities around the world.

Add your name to the petition to tell the Bank of England to stop funding climate chaos.

Let’s fight together for for a better future.

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