Trailers & Episodes

Watch the Trailer  Watch Episode 1

Watch Parties

Find a Local Watch-Party Start a Local Watch-Party

Frequently Asked Questions

What are we watching?

We’re getting together to show the first episode of “Years of Living Dangerously” – this is the first chapter of a 9-part series that connects the dots on climate change.

What do I need to host the screening?

The main thing you need to be able to provide is a comfortable place where people can join you to watch the show. It will be available on YouTube (and at for everyone to watch, so you’ll need an internet connected computer or TV with a good-sized screen and decent speakers.

When can we host a screening?

Whenever works best for you! In Australia, and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition are asking people to hold watch-parties on either May 10th or May 11th.

What is the schedule? How much time should we plan for?

Your local watch-party will probably take about 2 hours. Here’s a sample schedule:

  • 7:00 – People start arriving. Allow approximately 30 minutes for people to get settled in, introduce themselves, and perhaps get some refreshments.
  • 7:30 – Start the show. It’s about an hour long.
  • 8:30 – The show ends. How about hosting a discussion? If you’re after resources to help you host a discussion, just email [email protected]
  • 9:00 – Wrap up.
Who will be hosting the screening?

ANYONE — students, teachers, parents. You don’t need to have ever done anything like this before.

Why host a screening?

This show can be a great tool for educating, organising, and mobilising a broad movement for climate action. By hosting this screening and discussion, you’ll be able to recruit folks to join you, and will help spark a conversation that can lead to real change.

I just signed up to host a screening, what next?

You should have been emailed a confirmation from and direct contact information with our support staff  to answer further questions to help make your screening a success. After you sign up, you can also use your “host tools” to communicate with people who RSVP.

How can I promote my event?

Lots of ways! You can share your event link with friends and family via email or social media — or make posters  and put them up at local events.

I’m anxious about hosting a screening – I’ve never done this before.

Hosting a screening is very simple — all you need to do is register your event, make sure you’ve got the equipment you need to screen the video, reserve a couple of hours, and spread the word! You can always co-host a screening and invite local leaders to co-lead the discussion after the film if you wish.

I can no longer host my screening, but I have attendees that have already signed up — what should I do?

Let us know by contacting [email protected] — we can try to recruit another event host in your area, and let your attendees know about the change of plans.

Who should I invite?

Family, friends, neighbors — anyone you feel should see the film. If you want to expand your reach, consider inviting representatives from diverse community groups so numerous points of view are included and a well-rounded conversation can take place.

How do I find a larger venue to host my screening?

We encourage bigger groups to get together to screen the film if possible – and that means bigger places to congregate.  Possible venues include schools, universities, religious institutions and community centres. Be proactive. Think Big. Any place people can get together, watch and discuss can be a screening venue. If you don’t want to deal with any logistics, you can also host a screening at your home.

How do I watch the show online?

You can tune in at Note that you’ll need a way to hook up your computer to a TV, large monitor, or projector to play the file on a larger screen. You’ll also want speakers that can deliver the audio at an appropriate volume for your room and audience size.

How do we lead the discussion?

The show will inspire conversation on its own, but choosing one person who will moderate or facilitate discussion will help to focus the group and clearly identify actions that people can easily engage in. It’s a good idea to designate one person to take notes and collect all attendees’ contact information so that you can continue to communicate with one another after the screening.

We recommend that before the discussion ends, you offer your guests a list of easy, specific actions that they can take within your community — we’ll email you more information in your host’s packet after you register your event.

How can I edit my event or check on RSVPs?

To edit your event or check on RSVPs, you need to use your “Host Tools.”

To access the Host Tools, you have two options:

  1. You can click on the link that is in the confirmation mail we sent you.
  2. You can also login to your Host Tools at If you’ve never logged in before, you’ll need to click the link on that page to to set a password.
Can I have a private screening?

The best way to make sure your screening isn’t open to the public is to select the “Make your event private” box when you register a screening. Private Screenings won’t be displayed on our map or be publicly searchable — but you can distribute the link to others if you want to let them RSVP.

We hope you’ll still invite people to join you for a private screening — there’s nothing like face-to-face conversation to get people active and engaged on climate change.

I tried to register using the online form but got an error — what should I do?

Sorry about that — sometimes our system has a hard time with certain addresses. You can fill out our backup backup form and we can register your event manually.
